The Stochastically Heated Grains Benchmark
Benchmark Info

Dust model

The exact choice of dust grain model is not critical for benchmark purposes, as long as all codes employ the same model. Specifically, our choices do not imply a preference for or an endorsement of a particular model. We have elected to utilize a simple mixture of spherical, single composition graphitic and silicate dust grains. Further details are provided in the paper.

The data files defining the dust properties used in this benchmark can be downloaded from the Downloads page. The DustModel directory contained in the provided archive is organized in the following subdirectories:

Input fields

The parametrization of the Mathis et al. (1983) ISRF used as benchmark input

In this benchmark the dust grains are exposed to two sets of distinct radiation fields. The first set consists of eleven scaled versions of the solar neighborhood interstellar radiation field (using a parametrization defined in the paper; see also figure above), ranging from weak to strong as follows:

\[ J^{\mathrm{SHG},i}(\lambda)=U_{i}\times J^{\mathrm{Mat}}(\lambda)\;\mathrm{with}\, U_{i}=10^{-4},10^{-3},...,10^{5},10^{6} \]

The second set consists of six diluted black body fields with varying temperatures, ranging from soft to hard as follows:

\[ J^{\mathrm{SHG},j}(\lambda)=\begin{cases} 8.28\times10^{-12}\,B(\lambda,3000\,\mathrm{K}) \\ 2.23\times10^{-13}\,B(\lambda,6000\,\mathrm{K}) \\ 2.99\times10^{-14}\,B(\lambda,9000\,\mathrm{K}) \\ 7.23\times10^{-15}\,B(\lambda,12000\,\mathrm{K}) \\ 2.36\times10^{-15}\,B(\lambda,15000\,\mathrm{K}) \\ 9.42\times10^{-16}\,B(\lambda,18000\,\mathrm{K}) \\ \end{cases} \]

where the Planck function is given by

\[ B(\lambda,T)=\frac{2hc^{2}}{\lambda^{5}}\frac{1}{\exp(\frac{hc}{\lambda kT})-1} \]

Physical Constants

The following table lists the precise values of the relevant physical constants as they were used for the calculations presented in the paper and on this web site.

Symbol Description Value
\(c\) Speed of light in vacuum \(2.99792458\times10^{8}\,\mathrm{m/}\mathrm{s}\)
\(h\) Planck constant \(6.62606957\times10^{-34}\,\mathrm{J}\,\mathrm{s}\)
\(k\) Boltzmann constant \(\mathrm{1.3806488\times10^{-23}\, J}/\mathrm{K}\)


The codes participating in this benchmark calculate the spectral dust emissivity \(\varepsilon(\lambda)\) for a population of dust grains with the properties of the dust model described in Dust model, for each of the input radiation fields specified in Input fields. The radiation emitted by the dust itself is ignored with respect to the input field, i.e. it is not the intention to calculate a self-consistent radiation field. The calculations are performed, and the results written down, using the wavelength grid on which the optical properties have been tabulated. This is a logarithmic grid with 1201 points in the range \(0.001\,\mu\mathrm{m}\leq\lambda\leq10000\,\mu\mathrm{m}\).

The data files representing the benchmark results can be downloaded from the Downloads page. For each participating code, the output for each input radiation field is stored in a separate text file with one the following naming schemes, depending on the type of field:

where \(\left<code\right>\) stands for the name of the code that calculated the result, and \(\left<soltype\right>\) indicates the solution type as listed in the table below.

Section \(\left<soltype\right>\) Calculation regime Grain size distribution Grain properties
Full Solution SHG stochastic heating as defined in dust model as defined in dust model
Single Grain Solution \(\mathrm{S\_}\left<nnn\right>\) stochastic heating all grains have size \(nnn\) Å as defined in dust model
Equilibrium Solution EQU equilibrium only as defined in dust model as defined in dust model
Effective Grain Solution EFF equilibrium only single "effective" grain single "effective" grain

Each file has a simple column-based text format as described here. Any initial lines starting with a # character are considered to be comments and thus are ignored when reading the data. Other than this header, the file contains 1201 lines, one for each wavelength in ascending wavelength order. Each line contains five or more numbers separated by whitespace, specifying the wavelength \(\lambda\) (in \(\mu\mathrm{m}\)); the mean intensity \(J_\lambda\) of the input field (in \(\mathrm{W}\,\mathrm{m}^{-3}\,\mathrm{sr}^{-1}\)); and the silicate, graphite and PAH emissivities \(\lambda\,\varepsilon_\lambda\) (in \(\mathrm{W}\,\mathrm{sr}^{-1}\,\#_\mathrm{H}^{-1}\)), in that order. Any information on a line beyond the first five numbers is ignored when reading the data.